Happy National Siblings Day! - April 10, 2019
National Siblings Day is on Wednesday, April 10, 2019! National Siblings Day is a holiday held every year in the United States on April 10 to recognize and celebrate the special bond that exists between brothers and sisters.
In honor of National Siblings Day, Siblings with a Mission has partnered with the organization, Don't Hide It, Flaunt It to share stories and raise awareness of the sibling bond and sibling experiences. Please check out these incredible stories below and visit Don't Hide, Flaunt It's website to read more stories. If you would like to share your story, please contact us here or email us at [email protected]. We'd love to share your story! |
National Siblings Day 2019 Stories
"Watching Jordan Rise," By Cameron Reeves
We are thrilled to share 17-year-old Cameron Reeves wonderful flaunt essay about his beautiful sister Jordan! Read Cameron's story here. "Starfish Days," By Charlotte Egerton-Warburton Charlotte is 8 years old and her younger brother, Rowland, has ADNP syndrome. In her story, Charlotte tells us about her experiences with her brother. Charlotte's story shows how strong the sibling bond is and how involved siblings are in each other's lives. As Charlotte explains, "I want to help my brother by giving support and love...It makes me sad when people look at him and think that he is different as if that is a bad thing. My brother is different and that is what makes him special." Read Charlotte's beautiful story here. "Living Life to the Fullest," By James Gordon James is 15 years old and his brother, Scott, has a severe version of cerebral palsy. As James explains in his story, "Scott is more than just a kid with a disability. He is a son, a nephew, a cousin, a student, a drum player, an artist, and all around the best brother I could ever ask for." Read James's beautiful story here. "Living Life to Its Fullest," By Stella Scheier Stella's younger brother Oliver has a rare form of muscular dystrophy called Rigid Spine Muscular Dystrophy (RSMD). In her story, Stella describes what it is like to be a sibling of someone with a disability. As Stella explains, "Having a sibling with a disability is something that I would not trade for the world... Although some days have been harder than others, being the sibling of someone with a disability is the best thing that has happened to me." Read Stella's inspiring story here. "Two Little Puppies," By Connor Kass Connor and his sister Chloe are both six years old. Chloe has a condition called Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM), an illness that causes swelling of the spinal cord that is believed to be caused by a virus. In his story, Connor talks about all the ways he enjoys spending time with his sister Chloe. Connor accompanies Chloe to many of her medical appointments. He also enjoys playing games with his sister. As Connor says, "We do all the same things we use to play before Chloe got sick." Read Connor's beautiful story here. "My Piece of the Puzzle," By Zachary Brooks Zachary's twin brother, Jack, has autism. In his story, Zachary describes the importance of spreading awareness of autism and recognizing the talents of those who have autism and other differences. As Zachary explains, "Having a brother with autism has made a significant impact on me. I think because of having Jack in my life, I am patient, tolerant, and respectful of others; I am accepting of differences. Autism has made me strong." Please read Zachary's inspiring story here. "My Brother is a Miracle!" By Caroline Svatek In her beautiful story, 10-year-old Caroline tells us about how she looks up to her older brother, Landon. Landon was born with several blood clots in his right arm which left scars. As Caroline explains, "I think Landon is a miracle... To me he is a superhero that can do almost anything." Read Caroline's beautiful story here. "Investing in Adults with Disabilities: A Personal Story," By Ben Sacks Very little support exists for people with developmental disabilities, especially for adults. Ben, whose older brother Matt has autism, knows this all too well. As Ben explains in his story, "After the structural education and support provided by elementary and primary schools, many severely disabled adults lack a natural next step... Families are often left with little choice other than to care for a disabled adult by themselves." Ben's brother has inspired him to advocate for change. Read Ben's inspiring and insightful story here. "It Feels Good Being a Big Brother to PJ," By Parker Grant Parker's brother, PJ, has a very rare condition called 49, xxxxy Syndrome. Watch Parker's video here about what it means to be a brother to PJ and why PJ is so important to him. "Embracing the Joy of Nick," By Helima Croft Helima's love and care for her brother Nick is so heart-warming and touching. As Helima says in her story, "Nick has always been the most amazing brother." Please read Helima's beautiful story about her brother Nick here. "The Look," By Lulu Mann When you see someone who has a disability or who is different, what should you do? Is it appropriate to stare? Lulu tells us in her story why staring at people with special needs can create additional challenges for the entire family and offers advice for what to do, instead. Read Lulu's suggestions in her moving story here. "I Am Grateful For What My Brother Has Taught Me," By Josh Glauser Josh's brother Jacob has severe autism. As he explains in his story, Josh cherishes the small, peaceful moments with his brother the most. Read Josh's moving and inspiring story here. "Why National Siblings Day Is Important" By Nathan Grant On April 10, brothers and sisters around the country celebrate National Siblings Day to honor the special bond that exists between siblings. In his story, Nathan describes why National Siblings Day is so important to him and to other siblings like him. As Nathan explains, "I believe National Siblings Day must receive more recognition and support from families across the country and from the government. Recognizing National Siblings Day gives siblings like me an opportunity to officially honor the unique and life-changing bonds we share with our brothers and sisters." Read Nathan's story here. |
These stories have been published in partnership with the organization, Don't Hide It, Flaunt It.
To read the stories that we shared in partnership for National Siblings Day in 2020, check out our National Siblings Day 2020 page here.
Siblings with a Mission is a non-profit, international organization established to serve and support siblings of individuals with special needs. All images are found on Google images and are solely used for educational purposes. The stories and advice provided by Siblings with a Mission are not to be replaced by professional advice and counseling but to be considered as an additional source of support.