Apply to be a Support Group Leader
Support group leaders are responsible for a specific support group in the organization. Support group leaders moderate and monitor video chats and conversations with siblings. They are responsible for creating topics for the conversation, listening to other siblings, and offering siblings advice and guidance. Support group leaders are also in charge of the Story Column and Education and Awareness page for their group, where support group leaders will post stories for siblings and families as well as information about the specific disability. All support group leaders must report to the Vice-President and President before and after video conferences and before posting articles online. Support group leaders should encourage siblings to participate in the conversation and ask questions. In addition, support group leaders should motivate siblings to participate in sibling workshops and family conferences.
As a support group leader, you must schedule and be present for each video conference. You will need to contact siblings in your group regarding dates of video sessions. Support group leaders should encourage siblings to join the organization and participate in video conferences. If a sibling does not have access to a video camera, he or she should be invited to read the Story Column and Education and Awareness page and participate in the online web chat forum on Facebook. The support group leader should understand the specific disability. Training will be provided and support group leaders should be trained in addressing and discussing the following questions: a. How do I explain my sibling’s disability to my friends and family? b. What should I do when people stare at my sibling? c. How can I concentrate on my work and activities if my sibling makes a lot of noise and requires a lot of attention? d. Why do my parents spend more time with my sibling with a disability than they do with me? e. How should I deal with my emotions of anger, jealousy, and embarrassment? f. How can I have more privacy when my sibling requires a therapist, aid, or nurse at the house? g. What should I do when my sibling goes to the hospital? After listening to other siblings’ stories, the support group leaders should share his or her story. The support group leaders should encourage all siblings to join the conversation, but should be cautious if a sibling does not want to share information and simply wants to listen. If you would like to apply for a support group leader position, please complete the form below and refer to any documents on our document page. To complete the form, copy and paste the questions into a Word document or into an email and answer the questions. Email completed forms to [email protected]. (Note: if you do not have Microsoft Word or a related software, send your responses in an email message). We will get back to you shortly. Thanks for applying! (Note: Support Group Leaders may also be referred to as "Chairman")
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Siblings with a Mission is an international organization established to serve and support siblings of individuals with special needs. All images are found on Google images and are solely used for education purposes. The stories and advice provided by Siblings with a Mission are not to be replaced by professional advice and counseling but to be considered as an additional source of support.