Start a Support Group
Siblings with a Mission serves siblings and sibling supporters of individuals with special needs. The Society is comprised of Support Groups that provide support and stories to members. Support Groups also host monitored video conversations through our video conference software. If your sibling has a diagnosis that is not covered by our Support Groups (click here to see a list of groups), you are more than welcome to start a Support Group and help others who have sibling like your brother or sister.
We can help you start a Support Group in Siblings with a Mission. We can also help you contact others to join your group and attend video conferences. First, complete the form below and we will contact you. Please note that if you start a support group, you also agree to serve as a support group leader of that group (that is until you find someone to fill the position. To read about support group leader job responsibilities, click here. Note: support group leaders may also be referred to as "chairmen"). We look forward to working with you! The more support we provide, the greater impact we will have in helping siblings make a difference regardless of their age and background. |
Siblings with a Mission is an international organization established to serve and support siblings of individuals with special needs. All images are found on Google images and are solely used for education purposes. The stories and advice provided by Siblings with a Mission are not to be replaced by professional advice and counseling but to be considered as an additional source of support.