What are Sibling Workshops?
Sibling Workshops are events where siblings can meet and connect with other siblings who are experiencing similar situations. By attending a Sibling Workshop, siblings can receive advice support and stories from other siblings. It is a way for siblings to get to know one another better and build a support system.
Sibling Workshops are events held and organized by Siblings with a Mission. These workshops are located in cities around the world. Sibling Workshops will be led by support group leaders, the Operations Executive, the Vice-President, and the President of Siblings with a Mission. Members can also lead Sibling Workshops, but they must contact Siblings with a Mission at [email protected] and complete the necessary training offered by Siblings with a Mission.
Sibling Workshops hosted by Siblings with a Mission are intended to:
● Be fun
● Provide support and stories
● Teach siblings how they can make the best of every situation with their sibling
Members of Siblings with a Mission are encouraged to participate in Sibling Workshops. Sibling Workshops are open to siblings of all ages and backgrounds. We do not exclude anyone. However, Sibling Workshops are most appropriate for children ages 7-17 years old and adults ages 18 and above. Support groups should not be a replacement for therapy or considered a childcare service.
By attending Sibling Workshops, siblings can:
By attending Sibling Workshops, siblings can meet other siblings who they can stay in contact with for the rest of their life. It’s all about providing support while having fun!
Goals of Sibling Workshops:
● Provide brothers and sisters of individuals with special needs an opportunity to meet and connect with other siblings in a fun, recreational, appropriate setting
● Provide siblings an opportunity to receive support and stories and ask questions.
● Provide siblings an on opportunity to learn how other siblings deal with difficult situations and emotions
● Provide siblings a chance to learn more about special needs
Sibling Workshop Activities
Activities included in Sibling Workshops include but are not limited to: ice breakers, board games, crafts, and team building activities. Discussions can range from planned out topics to topics siblings decide to cover while attending the support group.
Examples of discussions include: navigating the sibling and parent relationship, navigating the caregiver role of a sibling, feelings towards siblings, talking to friends and other family members about their brother or sister’s condition, etc. Questions answered in Sibling Workshops can and may be the same questions answered in Video Conversations:
a. How do I explain my sibling’s disability to my friends and family?
b. What should I do when people stare at my sibling?
c. How can I concentrate on my work and activities if my sibling makes a lot of noise and requires a lot of attention?
d. Why do my parents spend more time with my sibling with a disability than they do with me?
e. How should I deal with my emotions of anger, jealousy, and embarrassment?
f. How can I have more privacy when my sibling requires a therapist, aid, or nurse at the house?
g. What should I do when my sibling goes to the hospital?
Who Leads Sibling Workshops?
The President, Vice-President, Operations Executive, and support group leaders of Siblings with a Mission typically lead Sibling Workshops. However, members can also lead Sibling Workshops. If you are a member and you want to lead a Sibling Workshop, contact us here. Everyone must receive training from the Siblings with a Mission board before leading a Sibling Workshop.
Who Can Attend Sibling Workshops?
Siblings and sibling supporters (parents, grandparents, friends, etc.) can attend Sibling Workshops, but workshops are intended to serve and support siblings.
Who Sponsors Sibling Workshops?
Many places sponsor Sibling Workshops, such as a local zoo, aquarium, school, library, hospital, disability center, church, and park. Information regarding Sibling Workshop locations will be provided and specified.
Methods of Contacting Siblings to Join Sibling Workshops
The following is a list of methods used by Siblings with a Mission to contact siblings and spread awareness of sibling workshops.
● Email ([email protected])
● Facebook
● Website (www.siblingswithamission.org)
● Flyers
● Video Conference
● Phone Call
To read about the Standards of Practice of Sibling Workshops, click here.
Join Siblings with a Mission and sign up to attend a Sibling Workshop today.
Siblings with a Mission is an international organization established to serve and support siblings of individuals with special needs. All images are found on Google images and are solely used for education purposes. The stories and advice provided by Siblings with a Mission are not to be replaced by professional advice and counseling but to be considered as an additional source of support.
Sibling Workshops are events where siblings can meet and connect with other siblings who are experiencing similar situations. By attending a Sibling Workshop, siblings can receive advice support and stories from other siblings. It is a way for siblings to get to know one another better and build a support system.
Sibling Workshops are events held and organized by Siblings with a Mission. These workshops are located in cities around the world. Sibling Workshops will be led by support group leaders, the Operations Executive, the Vice-President, and the President of Siblings with a Mission. Members can also lead Sibling Workshops, but they must contact Siblings with a Mission at [email protected] and complete the necessary training offered by Siblings with a Mission.
Sibling Workshops hosted by Siblings with a Mission are intended to:
● Be fun
● Provide support and stories
● Teach siblings how they can make the best of every situation with their sibling
Members of Siblings with a Mission are encouraged to participate in Sibling Workshops. Sibling Workshops are open to siblings of all ages and backgrounds. We do not exclude anyone. However, Sibling Workshops are most appropriate for children ages 7-17 years old and adults ages 18 and above. Support groups should not be a replacement for therapy or considered a childcare service.
By attending Sibling Workshops, siblings can:
- Meet and connect with other siblings
- Have fun
- Share stories
- Learn how other brothers and sisters deal with difficult situations
- Ask questions
- Play games
- Laugh
- Learn about special needs and associations and services that assist special needs families
- Have more fun!
By attending Sibling Workshops, siblings can meet other siblings who they can stay in contact with for the rest of their life. It’s all about providing support while having fun!
Goals of Sibling Workshops:
● Provide brothers and sisters of individuals with special needs an opportunity to meet and connect with other siblings in a fun, recreational, appropriate setting
● Provide siblings an opportunity to receive support and stories and ask questions.
● Provide siblings an on opportunity to learn how other siblings deal with difficult situations and emotions
● Provide siblings a chance to learn more about special needs
Sibling Workshop Activities
Activities included in Sibling Workshops include but are not limited to: ice breakers, board games, crafts, and team building activities. Discussions can range from planned out topics to topics siblings decide to cover while attending the support group.
Examples of discussions include: navigating the sibling and parent relationship, navigating the caregiver role of a sibling, feelings towards siblings, talking to friends and other family members about their brother or sister’s condition, etc. Questions answered in Sibling Workshops can and may be the same questions answered in Video Conversations:
a. How do I explain my sibling’s disability to my friends and family?
b. What should I do when people stare at my sibling?
c. How can I concentrate on my work and activities if my sibling makes a lot of noise and requires a lot of attention?
d. Why do my parents spend more time with my sibling with a disability than they do with me?
e. How should I deal with my emotions of anger, jealousy, and embarrassment?
f. How can I have more privacy when my sibling requires a therapist, aid, or nurse at the house?
g. What should I do when my sibling goes to the hospital?
Who Leads Sibling Workshops?
The President, Vice-President, Operations Executive, and support group leaders of Siblings with a Mission typically lead Sibling Workshops. However, members can also lead Sibling Workshops. If you are a member and you want to lead a Sibling Workshop, contact us here. Everyone must receive training from the Siblings with a Mission board before leading a Sibling Workshop.
Who Can Attend Sibling Workshops?
Siblings and sibling supporters (parents, grandparents, friends, etc.) can attend Sibling Workshops, but workshops are intended to serve and support siblings.
Who Sponsors Sibling Workshops?
Many places sponsor Sibling Workshops, such as a local zoo, aquarium, school, library, hospital, disability center, church, and park. Information regarding Sibling Workshop locations will be provided and specified.
Methods of Contacting Siblings to Join Sibling Workshops
The following is a list of methods used by Siblings with a Mission to contact siblings and spread awareness of sibling workshops.
● Email ([email protected])
● Website (www.siblingswithamission.org)
● Flyers
● Video Conference
● Phone Call
To read about the Standards of Practice of Sibling Workshops, click here.
Join Siblings with a Mission and sign up to attend a Sibling Workshop today.
Siblings with a Mission is an international organization established to serve and support siblings of individuals with special needs. All images are found on Google images and are solely used for education purposes. The stories and advice provided by Siblings with a Mission are not to be replaced by professional advice and counseling but to be considered as an additional source of support.