Siblings with a Mission: International Society for Support and Awareness
Siblings with a Mission is an international organization dedicated to serve and support siblings of individuals with special needs. The organization provides siblings and family members an opportunity to share their stories, offer suggestions, and make friends with others who understand. We strive to spread awareness and offer support through our story columns, resource database, monitored video conversations, web chat forums, sibling workshops, and family conferences. By sharing stories, we hope to show siblings that they are not alone and that there are other people who understand. We also hope to teach the community what it is like to live with someone who has special needs. We hope to teach others that being disabled is not the same as being incompetent. Through our platforms at Siblings with a Mission, we strive to inspire siblings to embrace their situation and enjoy every moment with their brother or sister. We strive to empower siblings and families to use their unique experiences to make a difference. Please join us today, and let's serve the special needs community together!
I. Mission Statement
Siblings with a Mission strives to provide support to siblings of individuals with special needs and developmental delays. We aim to provide platforms that serve both siblings and sibling supporters of all ages and all backgrounds. Through our platforms and services, we encourage siblings and families to:
Siblings with a Mission strives to inspire siblings of all ages and backgrounds to spread awareness of their brother or sister’s differences and teach the world that people can have fun and enjoy life regardless of their health challenges or developmental delays.
- Share their story with others
- Express any concerns and challenges as well as any insights and joys
- Empower others to use their unique experiences to raise awareness and make a difference
- Have fun and make the best of every moment
Siblings with a Mission strives to inspire siblings of all ages and backgrounds to spread awareness of their brother or sister’s differences and teach the world that people can have fun and enjoy life regardless of their health challenges or developmental delays.
II. Guiding Principles
- Ensure a safe environment where every sibling, regardless of nationality or background, feels welcome
- Provide a community where siblings can receive support in areas including but not limited to: family, friends, school, serious illness, emotions.
- Aim to answer questions including but not limited to:
b. What should I do when people stare at my sibling?
c. How can I concentrate on my work and activities if my sibling makes a lot of noise and requires a lot of attention?
d. Why do my parents spend more time with my sibling with a disability than they do with me?
e. How should I deal with my emotions of anger, jealousy, and embarrassment?
f. How can I have more privacy when my sibling requires a therapist, aid, or nurse at the house?
g. What should I do when my sibling goes to the hospital?
- Spread awareness of various health and intellectual disabilities, and provide information of resources, facilities, hospitals, and workshops located near members of the organization
- Establish productive partnerships with parents, family members, health care providers, and professionals to increase support for all siblings
- Teach the world that having a “disability” is not the same as being “incompetent" or "incapable" of enjoying life
- Encourage siblings to participate in sibling workshops and family conferences and help other siblings in need
- Inspire siblings to make a difference regardless of age or background
- To offer support but not replace medical, professional advice and treatment
III. Objectives
- Establish a Story Column with resourceful information and guidance for siblings, family members, professionals, and interested individuals
- Provide a forum for siblings to chat, ask questions, and receive advice
- Host monitored video conferences to provide siblings an opportunity to express their emotions, obtain information, and receive guidance and advice.
- Spread awareness by writing and providing stories and articles with information on disabilities including but not limited to: Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS), Autism, Down Syndrome, ADD/ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, and other Developmental and Behavioral Delays
- Inspire siblings to teach others that disabilities do not prevent people from having fun and enjoying life
- Help siblings to participate in sibling workshops and family conferences by either 1) creating a Sibling Workshop, or 2) providing siblings with information about Sibling Workshops located near them
IV. Join Siblings with a Mission
Siblings with a Mission supports siblings and families around the world. In addition to providing others' stories and testimonials, Siblings with a Mission strives to spread awareness of disabilities and teach communities that people affected by a disability can still have fun and enjoy life, too. By joining Siblings with a Mission, you can meet other siblings, receive support, and spread awareness of disabilities. By joining, you will receive information and updates about the activities of Siblings with a Mission, including video conferences, story column posts, sibling workshops, and family conferences.
Encourage others to join as well. It's free! Siblings with a Mission is open to all siblings and sibling supporters. With more members, we can provide more support and spread more awareness. Click to Join Today.
Encourage others to join as well. It's free! Siblings with a Mission is open to all siblings and sibling supporters. With more members, we can provide more support and spread more awareness. Click to Join Today.
Siblings with a Mission is an international organization established to serve and support siblings of
individuals with special needs. All images are found on Google images
and are solely used for education purposes. The stories and advice
provided by Siblings with a Mission are not to be replaced by professional advice and counseling but to be considered as an additional source of support.