"Story and Article Ideas"
By Nathan Grant, President and Founder of Siblings with a Mission
Do you have a sibling or family member with special needs? Do you know someone who has a disability? Do you have a story you would like to share? If so, you have come to the right place.
Siblings with a Mission strives to give siblings, families, and professionals in the special needs community a place to share their stories. We encourage you to write and share your story. Many siblings and families have found that writing their story can be a therapeutic process, and stories can provide support and help other siblings and families who have similar experiences. With more stories, we can provide more support and increase more awareness of the what it is like to live with or know someone who has special needs.
We have found that stories are a significant source of support for siblings and families in the special needs community. Therefore, we welcome story submissions on any topic that may be relevant or resourceful for individuals in our community. We encourage you to write a story on any topic you would like. Many of our members enjoy reading stories that describe common experiences and provide guidance or suggestions. Here are some examples of stories you may want to write:
Story Ideas:
1) How do you explain your sibling’s disability to your friends and family?
2) What do you do when people stare at your sibling?
3) Does it feel like your parents spend more time with your sibling with special needs than they do with you? How do you deal with this?
4) How do you live with emotions of anger, jealousy, disappointment, embarrassment, guilt, etc.?
5) Are you going to college this year or are you currently in college? What do you worry about regarding your sibling? How do you stay in touch with your sibling while you are in college?
6) How have your career choices or volunteer activities been influenced by your sibling? How have you changed because of your sibling?
7) Do you view people with disabilities differently now that you have experience with a sibling with special needs? How has your perception of disabilities changed? Is it a good or bad perception?
8) Has your sibling or friend with special needs passed away? Tell your story.
9) Do you have any funny stories? Sad stories? Memorable stories?
10) Please share any story you feel is appropriate and resourceful.
Education and Awareness Article Ideas:
1) What is your sibling’s diagnosis? What is it like having a sibling with that diagnosis? How do you explain your sibling’s diagnosis to others?
2) Doctor/Health Care Professional Profile: Is there a doctor or health care professional that takes care of your brother or sister? Is there a doctor or researcher that has done significant research in the field of your sibling’s diagnosis? As part of our mission, we spread awareness of current research to siblings so they can find resources for their brother or sister. We encourage you to interview a doctor about his or her practice or research. Ask them why they got involved in their field. Ask them to explain your sibling’s diagnosis in their own words. Ask if they know of any current treatment or medications for people like your sibling. Ask for advice for families and siblings. Ask any questions you may think is relevant. (*If you aren’t able to interview someone in person, feel free to email them and interview them over email or the phone. Or, you could ask them if they already have information online that you could post on our website. Have fun with this topic! Feel free to contact us with questions.)
3) Association Profile: Is there an association, organization, or facility that helps people like your brother or sister (i.e. Autism Association, Down Syndrome Association, MPS Society, etc.)? As part of our mission, we spread awareness of organizations that serve and support families and individuals with special needs. Write a profile on an association, facility, or hospital department. Explain some of the services the organization or facility provides. Explain where the organization or facility is located and how people can contact and get in touch with the group. Feel free to interview someone. This profile will help siblings and families find resources.
4) Celebrity Profile: Are there celebrities that are advocates for special needs? Or is there a well-known association or organization that helps people with special needs? Write about a celebrity or well-known organization and explain how this individual or organization helps people with special needs.
5) Sibling Spotlight: Is there a sibling hero who has significantly helped the special needs community? Explain how this person has made a difference and explain how other siblings can make a difference, too. Feel free to interview someone. Ask for their picture. Have fun with this topic!
6) Any education or awareness article you feel is appropriate and resourceful. Feel free to search on google to find topics. (Get creative!)
Once you have an idea for a story, start writing! It's okay if you don't know what to write at first. Just start writing whatever you think of first, and your story will develop from there. If you are able to, please write your story in a Word document (or equivalent program) or in the body of an email message. Please include a title for your story, and a picture if you have one.
When you are ready, please submit your story as an attached document in an email or in the body of an email message to [email protected]. You may also reach us on our website here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help.
Share your story today! We look forward to reading and sharing your story. Thank you!
Siblings with a Mission is a non-profit, international organization established to serve and support siblings of individuals with special needs. All images are found on Google images and are solely used for educational purposes. The stories and advice provided by Siblings with a Mission are not to be replaced by professional advice and counseling but to be considered as an additional source of support.
By Nathan Grant, President and Founder of Siblings with a Mission
Do you have a sibling or family member with special needs? Do you know someone who has a disability? Do you have a story you would like to share? If so, you have come to the right place.
Siblings with a Mission strives to give siblings, families, and professionals in the special needs community a place to share their stories. We encourage you to write and share your story. Many siblings and families have found that writing their story can be a therapeutic process, and stories can provide support and help other siblings and families who have similar experiences. With more stories, we can provide more support and increase more awareness of the what it is like to live with or know someone who has special needs.
We have found that stories are a significant source of support for siblings and families in the special needs community. Therefore, we welcome story submissions on any topic that may be relevant or resourceful for individuals in our community. We encourage you to write a story on any topic you would like. Many of our members enjoy reading stories that describe common experiences and provide guidance or suggestions. Here are some examples of stories you may want to write:
Story Ideas:
1) How do you explain your sibling’s disability to your friends and family?
2) What do you do when people stare at your sibling?
3) Does it feel like your parents spend more time with your sibling with special needs than they do with you? How do you deal with this?
4) How do you live with emotions of anger, jealousy, disappointment, embarrassment, guilt, etc.?
5) Are you going to college this year or are you currently in college? What do you worry about regarding your sibling? How do you stay in touch with your sibling while you are in college?
6) How have your career choices or volunteer activities been influenced by your sibling? How have you changed because of your sibling?
7) Do you view people with disabilities differently now that you have experience with a sibling with special needs? How has your perception of disabilities changed? Is it a good or bad perception?
8) Has your sibling or friend with special needs passed away? Tell your story.
9) Do you have any funny stories? Sad stories? Memorable stories?
10) Please share any story you feel is appropriate and resourceful.
Education and Awareness Article Ideas:
1) What is your sibling’s diagnosis? What is it like having a sibling with that diagnosis? How do you explain your sibling’s diagnosis to others?
2) Doctor/Health Care Professional Profile: Is there a doctor or health care professional that takes care of your brother or sister? Is there a doctor or researcher that has done significant research in the field of your sibling’s diagnosis? As part of our mission, we spread awareness of current research to siblings so they can find resources for their brother or sister. We encourage you to interview a doctor about his or her practice or research. Ask them why they got involved in their field. Ask them to explain your sibling’s diagnosis in their own words. Ask if they know of any current treatment or medications for people like your sibling. Ask for advice for families and siblings. Ask any questions you may think is relevant. (*If you aren’t able to interview someone in person, feel free to email them and interview them over email or the phone. Or, you could ask them if they already have information online that you could post on our website. Have fun with this topic! Feel free to contact us with questions.)
3) Association Profile: Is there an association, organization, or facility that helps people like your brother or sister (i.e. Autism Association, Down Syndrome Association, MPS Society, etc.)? As part of our mission, we spread awareness of organizations that serve and support families and individuals with special needs. Write a profile on an association, facility, or hospital department. Explain some of the services the organization or facility provides. Explain where the organization or facility is located and how people can contact and get in touch with the group. Feel free to interview someone. This profile will help siblings and families find resources.
4) Celebrity Profile: Are there celebrities that are advocates for special needs? Or is there a well-known association or organization that helps people with special needs? Write about a celebrity or well-known organization and explain how this individual or organization helps people with special needs.
5) Sibling Spotlight: Is there a sibling hero who has significantly helped the special needs community? Explain how this person has made a difference and explain how other siblings can make a difference, too. Feel free to interview someone. Ask for their picture. Have fun with this topic!
6) Any education or awareness article you feel is appropriate and resourceful. Feel free to search on google to find topics. (Get creative!)
Once you have an idea for a story, start writing! It's okay if you don't know what to write at first. Just start writing whatever you think of first, and your story will develop from there. If you are able to, please write your story in a Word document (or equivalent program) or in the body of an email message. Please include a title for your story, and a picture if you have one.
When you are ready, please submit your story as an attached document in an email or in the body of an email message to [email protected]. You may also reach us on our website here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help.
Share your story today! We look forward to reading and sharing your story. Thank you!
Siblings with a Mission is a non-profit, international organization established to serve and support siblings of individuals with special needs. All images are found on Google images and are solely used for educational purposes. The stories and advice provided by Siblings with a Mission are not to be replaced by professional advice and counseling but to be considered as an additional source of support.